This site has been created by Kazunori Nozawa, Professor Emeritus at Ritsumeikan University, Japan. He has been a professor of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) since 1978 as well as an active researcher and practitioner of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Intercultural Communication (ICC) until his retirement in 2017. However, he is still active as a class instructor. 

My short self-Introduction in English -


    TELL(Technology Enhanced Language Learning)の理論と応用についての研究成果を踏まえながら、マルチメディア教材作成方法を学ぶ。本コースウエア(Moodle)を活用し、講義と演習を組み合わせて行われ、最新のテクノロジーと学習理論を踏まえた関連文献の紹介やトピックごとのオンライン討議をする一方、利用可能なメディア素材例をとりあげ、テキスト、静止画、動画、音声の収集と加工、編集の方法を経験し、受講者が収集した言語・文化素材を使って言語教育のための教材開発をする演習も行い、アカデミック・ジャーナルとソフトウエアのリビュー、マルチメデイア教材の試作をし、計3回のプレゼンテーションをしながら、電子教材開発能力を高めることとする。

    This selective undergraduate course is designed to provide the basic, practical, and beneficial themes of communication while covering the basic theory of nonverbal communication with a multidisciplinary perspective.  The basic lectures and multimedia materials enhance the understanding of intercultural communication. Throughout the course, the enrolled students are expected to construct glocal (global + local) views of the principle of cultural reciprocity. The course format makes use of lecture and discussion as well as experiential learning activities to identify and explain important theoretical concepts and to highlight practical applications of these concepts to the student's own life experiences. A combination of text readings, lectures, in-class activities, small group projects, and out-of-class assignments will help facilitate this learning process.



